Thursday 29 June 2017

Reading and Writing whole numbers

In this activity I had to read and write whole numbers .
First of all I had to take a calculator then I had to read what they had written I have to write them in numbers and they will give me a clue if it's correct this is how it works, if you upside down the calculator their will be a word so they will give a clue what the word is like an example   of they will say It's an animal and we have to read what our calculator what it said and see if it's the write number.
I feel proud of my work cause I can read numbers in written form like two hundred and one also I can read numbers in expanded form  like 3000 + 40 +7 = 3047.
I found it a tiny weeny hard because I can't  do big numbers like up to millions I'm a bit still confused.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have done a good job on this Parniha. This will help you when you are solving maths problems with larger numbers.