Monday, 22 February 2016

WALT Write a Bio Poem

Bio Poem

Nice, sharing, clever and fit.
Daughter of Thayakaran and Tharini.
Sister of  Kaniksta and  Archakan.
Lover of netball, swimming and playgronds.
Who feels happy, sad and excited.
Who needs to learn, have friends and help others.
Who gives old cloths, old toys and old story books to the poor people
Image result for starsWho fears stingrays, snakes and spiders.
Who would like a dog, books and horses.
Who comes from Auckland New Zealand and lives in Auckland New Zealand 

Reflection I am learning to write a a Bio poem.
I found it easy because I have done this before.
Next time I will go quicker and read it carefully.



Anonymous said...

I love your bio poem great job parniha from kaniksta
Thank you. very good.

Anonymous said...

Well done Parniha. You have used interesting describing words and completed the poem in the correct sequence. Keep up your great work.