Wednesday, 18 October 2017

DASH ? Part 3

Over here I had to write a DASH ? story if you don't know what I mean about DASH ?  it is a type of writing that has a meaning to it so the D means Description, A means Action, S means Speech, H means How is your character feeling and lucky last the Question Mark means a Cliff hanger or a Rhetorical question.
I can now describe the setting of the story using interesting adjectives, 
  •            and  written a cliffhanger or rhetorical question to finish the paragraph also
  •   shown how the character feels through their movements, reactions and body language.
I am still learning to make my  character do an action of some sort - when something happens and make my character speak to react what's happen.
The most challenging thing was to find some words to describe what was happening.
My next step is to make my character  do an action of some sort when something is happening and make my character speak to react what's happening.