Friday, 25 August 2017

Interpret Diagrams \ Charlotte ´s web

Over here I had to read the following diagram and write true or false for each sentence.
I did well on re-reading it again making sure if it was right and if I wanted to stick with it because when I did this activity the part when it said (´´The Latrodectus is one of the segments of a spider 's leg.´´ ) and also understanding the diagram properly.
I feel proud of my work because tried hard and thinked to find if it was true or false and  I hope I got all of them correct.
This is important to me because I used my old knowledge that I already have learnt that was
 re-reading it again when I am not quite sure about it.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Making connections \ Charlotte's web

My Venn Diagram Of Charlotte And Neave

Over here I had to compare one of my friends, Neave and Charlotte from the book Charlotte's web I also had to find words that describe them and put them into a Venn Diagram. 
          The thing I did well was writing words by thinking so hard of what are the same about them and what are not.
I feel proud of this work because I put a lot of my ideas and what I think about them.
This was so difficult because it was so hard to think of some words to describe them and remember what they act.
My next steps are writing  interesting words that describes them.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Read with expressions \ Charlotte's web


In this activity I had to read a passage of the text from Charlotte's web and use good expressions.
I did well on reading it with fluently and I think I am really good at it now.
I find it a bit hard to read with expression when there are question marks.
I feel a bit confident reading it with expressions but I think I need to be more confident so I can be ready to read with more expressions.
I am proud because I have improved reading with good expressions.
My next steps is to be more confident and make good expressions when there are questions marks.