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Friday, 8 December 2017
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Think like a scientist
Over here there was 4 experiments the first one is the colour changing cabbage we fist got a cup of water and put food colouring on the cup then we put the cabbage ( not the whole cabbage ) on the cup and wait for a few days the cabbage turned it the colour of the food colouring it was so cool. Then we were making careful observations of what was happening. Next we did the the Milk art first we got a mini bowl and poured milk in it then, we added drops of food colouring and got a ear bud and dipped it in the dishwasher when we put in the bowl it makes an amazing pattern, and then we wrote questions about it. Then the next one was the magic the balloon this was my favorite one this how we did it first we blew up the balloon and the we got a skewer the trick was to take the skewer and poke it through the balloon the trick was that you have to poke the skewer to the dark part of the balloon so Miss Fisher made a challenge that who ever got the most skewers in is the winner and I won! Then we did a Vocabulary that we need to explain what the words mean. Finally we did the lucky last experiment this one was the one where you had to make a balloon rocket first we needed a string, balloon, straw and two heavy objects first we thread the straw and tied it to the two objects and the we blow the balloon and taped it to the straw and we let go and boom it was amazing we wrote things like what we thought what will happen and what actually happened. I did well on the the Magic balloon and the Balloon rocket. I feel proud because I did well on the observations and it was hard doing it. The challenging thing was to find words that are scientific because knew all of them so I thinked hard as I could and do some of the words I kind of knew.
Matilda - Video Transcription Matilda
Over here we had to look at a video and listen to sounds and what the people were saying then we had to then we had to write it in a doc and highlight who was saying and the sounds and what they were doing. I did well on listening what the people were saying and writing it in a doc it was hard sometimes when you don't hear when they say some complicated words. I am proud of my work and a bit worried because wanted them to all right but I am proud because I think I did a good job and my group too. The challenging part is to write the sounds because it is sometimes hard to hear and it is hard to describe the sound. Next time I think I have to also think about the sounds because wasn't really thinking about and I only did a few.
Monday, 27 November 2017
Matilda - Nute
Over here I had to draw a nute from Matilda by reading a part from the story ( where it has no picture of the nute) and try drawing it. I did well on doing the shape of the nute. I feel proud about my work because it so hard but I still got the shape of the nute. The most challenging thing was when I have to to find the colour of the nute because I don't really get the part they said greenish-grey it was hard to figure out.
My next step is to think about the colours hard and do the right colour for my nute.
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
6 Word Stories
Over here I had to write a 6 word story in each photo, writing what the picture is showing with my group and it was very hard.
I did well on thinking some very good ideas to describe the photo.
I feel very proud because this was very hard but finally I find some 6 word stories.
I am still learning to find a very good sentence that make people get interested.
Friday, 3 November 2017
Measurement Scavenger Hunt
Over here I had to look for something and find out what's the length or width using measuring rulers, each slide has a a number of cm and we have to guess what stuff that has that much then we have to check it with a ruler and write it on.
I feel very proud of my work I think I did well on guessing.
This is important to me because then I can be very good at measuring and if one day in my job if have to measure something I can easily do it.
My next step is to measure longer things so I can be an expert.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
DASH ? Part 3
Over here I had to write a DASH ? story if you don't know what I mean about DASH ? it is a type of writing that has a meaning to it so the D means Description, A means Action, S means Speech, H means How is your character feeling and lucky last the Question Mark means a Cliff hanger or a Rhetorical question.
I can now describe the setting of the story using interesting adjectives,
- and written a cliffhanger or rhetorical question to finish the paragraph also
- shown how the character feels through their movements, reactions and body language.
I am still learning to make my character do an action of some sort - when something happens and make my character speak to react what's happen.
The most challenging thing was to find some words to describe what was happening.
My next step is to make my character do an action of some sort when something is happening and make my character speak to react what's happening.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Extending Vocabulary / Charlotte's web
Over here I had to read a sentence in the top of the box and the words that has highlighted yellow I have guess what it means and then I had to find what it actually means in the dictionary and write it down.
I think I did well on guessing what I think in my opinion what it might means.
I feel proud of my work and because I thinked really hard and I almost got them all right.
The most challenging thing is to find out what it means I always tried to read the sentence again so I find out what the answers is.
My next steps are to think harder and understand more because some of them I just guessed because I thought they were very hard and I was in a rush to so next time I have to calm and think carefully.
Fraction Hunt 2
Over here I had to do a lot of Fractions because over here I had to read the sentence and write the answer for the sentence, when you read all the words you wrote their will be question guess what the
answer is !
I did this well because I got all of them correct and I really understand this.
I feel proud and more confident on doing this and I understand really well.
This was easy for me and I wish I can have harder ones and see if they were challenging!
How I show the Elm Park Values
Over here I had to write examples for my 3 values that is Respect, Resilience and Responsibility.
We did this so we can understand better about our values.
I think I did everything well because I understand all of the 3 values and what they mean.
I feel proud and more confident about my 3 values.
This is more important to me because so I can be more confident about the three values.
We did this so we can understand better about our values.
I think I did everything well because I understand all of the 3 values and what they mean.
I feel proud and more confident about my 3 values.
This is more important to me because so I can be more confident about the three values.
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Why we shouldn't kill tigers!! : Speech
Over here I had write speech I chose Why we shouldn't kill Tigers!!.🙂
First we had to make a brainstorm about our speech it was really hard for me to think of what kind of speech I had to.ツ
Next we had to write it into paragraphs we first worked on our introduction and our paragraphs and then we did the conclusion the conclusion was easy for me!😁
Finally we presented it that was the part I got really scared and nervous !😦
I think the part I did well was I was using some simple words and my information was set out a clear way.😃
I feel proud of myself and I think I have improved on my speech.🙋
And the most hardest part was to read it to the class I was so nervous.🕜🕜🕜🕜😧
And the next steps are to talk louder and clearer and look at the audience.
And the most hardest part was to read it to the class I was so nervous.🕜🕜🕜🕜😧
And the next steps are to talk louder and clearer and look at the audience.
Friday, 25 August 2017
Interpret Diagrams \ Charlotte ´s web
Over here I had to read the following diagram and write true or false for each sentence.
I did well on re-reading it again making sure if it was right and if I wanted to stick with it because when I did this activity the part when it said (´´The Latrodectus is one of the segments of a spider 's leg.´´ ) and also understanding the diagram properly.
I feel proud of my work because tried hard and thinked to find if it was true or false and I hope I got all of them correct.
This is important to me because I used my old knowledge that I already have learnt that was
re-reading it again when I am not quite sure about it.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Making connections \ Charlotte's web
Over here I had to compare one of my friends, Neave and Charlotte from the book Charlotte's web I also had to find words that describe them and put them into a Venn Diagram.
The thing I did well was writing words by thinking so hard of what are the same about them and what are not.
I feel proud of this work because I put a lot of my ideas and what I think about them.
This was so difficult because it was so hard to think of some words to describe them and remember what they act.
My next steps are writing interesting words that describes them.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Read with expressions \ Charlotte's web
In this activity I had to read a passage of the text from Charlotte's web and use good expressions.
I did well on reading it with fluently and I think I am really good at it now.
I find it a bit hard to read with expression when there are question marks.
I feel a bit confident reading it with expressions but I think I need to be more confident so I can be ready to read with more expressions.
I am proud because I have improved reading with good expressions.
My next steps is to be more confident and make good expressions when there are questions marks.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Vowels Practise
In this activity I had to write which word is the short vowel and the long vowel.
I can identify short and long vowel sounds.
I found this easy because I know what short and long vowel sounds like.
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Short and Long Vowel Sounds
In this activity I had to circle words that has the long vowel sound and the short vowel sound .
I achieved the success criteria because I can identify the different sounds that vowels can make and I have circled the correct words for each vowel sound.
I can now found out what short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds.
I want to know more about spelling and so I can be very good at spelling.
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Read with Expressions \ Hatchet
I was learning to make my reading sound like I’m talking, make the voice match the meaning e.g. sad, happy and worried and pay attention to the punctuation.It was easy to read like I am talking and pay attention to the punctuation.
The hardest part was to match my voice what I am reading I need to work on it a bit.
Next I need to work on making my voice match to what I am reading and make a little bit of more expressions.
I was learning to make my reading sound like I’m talking, make the voice match the meaning e.g. sad, happy and worried and pay attention to the punctuation.It was easy to read like I am talking and pay attention to the punctuation.
The hardest part was to match my voice what I am reading I need to work on it a bit.
Next I need to work on making my voice match to what I am reading and make a little bit of more expressions.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Reading and Writing whole numbers
In this activity I had to read and write whole numbers .
First of all I had to take a calculator then I had to read what they had written I have to write them in numbers and they will give me a clue if it's correct this is how it works, if you upside down the calculator their will be a word so they will give a clue what the word is like an example of they will say It's an animal and we have to read what our calculator what it said and see if it's the write number.
I feel proud of my work cause I can read numbers in written form like two hundred and one also I can read numbers in expanded form like 3000 + 40 +7 = 3047.
I found it a tiny weeny hard because I can't do big numbers like up to millions I'm a bit still confused.
The 45 sounds of English
Over here we learned some sounds of English we tried writing words that has the sound that we were learning we also wrote sentences that at least 3 words that has the sound we were learning.
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Subtracting using Tidy Numbers
In this activity I had to figure out a problem using Tidy Tens if you don't know what's a Tidy Ten it's something that you have take a way or add to a Tidy number and then you have to separate your little number and find out the answer. First I had to write number 55 in the right corner and and take away 27 in steps. Then we take away 5 from 55 to get to the tidy number then take away a much I want but when I add the numbers it had to be 27.
I am proud of my work cause I achieved all of my success criteria because I can identify what Tidy numbers are and correctly show working on a number line.
I didn't find anything difficult in this work cause I did this before.
I didn't find anything difficult in this work cause I did this before.
Friday, 9 June 2017
Questions and Non fiction Texts
A few days ago we had to do an activity that makes us understand more about the story we first read the book and then we had to think about some questions and finding the answer to it.
We also looked in the book and finding things that every Non fiction books have, like bold words, fact boxes and graphs.
I achieved cause I can ask questions before, during and after reading the book and I can also write meanings, like what is fact boxes and graphs.
This was a bit hard because
it was hard to find out the meaning because some words I never had heard it before.
I am still confused about comparison means I only know a little bit about it.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Stop and Dash
Over here I had to write a Stop and Dash sentence.
If you don't know whats a Stop and Dash means it's some kind of writing when you have to describe what your talking about like an example of, the pancake was - yummy, sweet, tasty - was waiting for me to get eaten.
I did well on doing the sentences and describing the thing I was talking about.
I feel happy of my work cause I think I did a good work on doing the Stop and Dash sentence.
I need to improve on writing more interesting describing words.
The most challenging thing was finding some describing words for my sentences.
I want to know more about other kind of writing.
I need to improve on writing more interesting describing words.
The most challenging thing was finding some describing words for my sentences.
I want to know more about other kind of writing.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Memorable Event Popplet
- Brainstorm ideas about a topic
- Describe a topic using the five senses
- Ask questions and add detail
Success Criteria
- Choose a memorable event
- Brainstorm ideas using the five senses
- Share with two people (who will ask questions)
- Add more detail to your brainstorm to answer any questions that your buddies had
Over here I had to do brainstorm about a a party I went.
We did this cause we were learning about celebrations.
I did well on brainstorming ideas using the 5 senses, sharing with 2 people and choosing a memorable event.
I feel proud of my work cause I almost achieved all of my Success Criteria.
Next time I will write more describing words to my popplet so it can be interesting.
I wonder if one day I get write more information about the party I went.
The challenging thing was to remember what I did there when I was at the party cause this happend when I was little.
Friday, 19 May 2017
Summer Decisions - Personalty Traits
Over here I had to write what Summer did that was nice and what kind of person was she.
This was a bit tricky for me cause it was very hard to remember what she did and find out what kind of person was she.
I need to improve on writing more interesting words instead of writing she is a kind and nice girl.
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Comparing Summer and August
Over here I had to make Tagul of Summer and August and write 10 describing words about them.
It was easy doing this because I had made a Tagul before and it was easy to find 10 describing words for August and Summer.
I am most proud of my Summer Tagul because I like the way the words I described her.
I need to improve on writing more amazing describing words to describe them more.
Yoda speak
Over here I had to translate the Yoda speak into English and I also had to write the 3 R's in Yoda speak.
This was hard cause I had to think very hard to translate the Yoda speak in English.
The most challenging thing was the part where there is a Yoda language and I had to write it in English.
I am surprised that I had finally did the hard part without any help .
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Ordering numbers
I could order number 1 to 1000 and I can do this by myself.
I found this easy because I know how to order numbers and I had done this before.
I would have liked to order big numbers like up to thousands and and bigger numbers.
Monday, 3 April 2017
Subject Start Sentences
Over here we had to write a sentences that start with the topic we are writing about like what I had done.
We should start with the subject we are writing about because so we know what are we writing about.
I am proud of my work because I wrote some words that made it interesting like crunchy and yummy.
I am mostly proud with the fist one because I wrote some words that made it interesting.
Over here we had to write a sentences that start with the topic we are writing about like what I had done.
We should start with the subject we are writing about because so we know what are we writing about.
I am proud of my work because I wrote some words that made it interesting like crunchy and yummy.
I am mostly proud with the fist one because I wrote some words that made it interesting.
Place Value Partitioning

What we had to do was splitting the last number like what I have done and then you have to add/subtract the first number with the numbers that you had split and when you done doing your adding or subtracting you will get your answer.
This was easy for me because I am very good at splitting numbers and also I already had learned this before.
I really want learn something that is part of Maths that can make my Maths easier for me.
Story Pyramid
Friday, 31 March 2017
Ko Ahua Poem
WALT use the language feature of metaphors
WALT carefully choose words when writing metaphors and explain why we chose them
Success Criteria:
- I can write a metaphor for each line of my Lain Sharp inspired poem
- I can give reasons for why I chose the words I wrote
We had to write a Ko Ahua poem about ourselves and write things that describe us.
I chose I am a fluffy white jacket so warm and quiet because I am always quiet and I always be warm.
This was tricky because it was hard to find things that describe us.
I am most proud with the sentence when I wrote I am a fluffy white jacket so warm and quiet because it describes me more.
Next time I will have to write more sentences that describes me.
Monday, 27 March 2017
Wonder - Sequencing of Events
This is an activity when you have to put the sentence in the correct order from the Wonder book.
The WALT I achieved was find and summarise information by re-telling main events in a text. "When given the choice between being right or being kind,choose kind".
This is an activity when you have to put the sentence in the correct order from the Wonder book.
The WALT I achieved was find and summarise information by re-telling main events in a text. "When given the choice between being right or being kind,choose kind".
Basic Facts Term 1
Every Monday we do a basic facts test.
My goal is to get 100 score in 6 minutes
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Make justified predictions - from lyrics of a song and a trailer. Use prior knowledge and experiences to justify opinions about a topic. Embed a video into slides
Insert images and hyperlinks into slides.
Success Criteria Can give an opinion for each of the four topics. Can justify opinions. Can embed videos into the slide. Can insert images and hyperlinks into slides.
Reflections What did you do? First we read a book about Wonder, then watched a Wonder trailer, listened to a song called Wonder and after that we gave opinions on four topics in the book. What did you do well? I did well on doing the opinions on the four topics. Look at the success criteria. How do you feel about it good? I am proud that I achieved the success criteria because I can give an opinion for each of the four topics, can embed videos into slides and insert images and hyperlinks into slides. What do you need to do next time or what else could you add so you achieve more of the success criteria? I need to justify opinions by giving reasons.
Success Criteria Can give an opinion for each of the four topics. Can justify opinions. Can embed videos into the slide. Can insert images and hyperlinks into slides.
Reflections What did you do? First we read a book about Wonder, then watched a Wonder trailer, listened to a song called Wonder and after that we gave opinions on four topics in the book. What did you do well? I did well on doing the opinions on the four topics. Look at the success criteria. How do you feel about it good? I am proud that I achieved the success criteria because I can give an opinion for each of the four topics, can embed videos into slides and insert images and hyperlinks into slides. What do you need to do next time or what else could you add so you achieve more of the success criteria? I need to justify opinions by giving reasons.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Enviro At EPS
I had to make this for my buddy class for an Year 2 so they can learn about Enviro At EPS.
It was really tricky to make a slide like this because it was hard to find ideas to write for my buddy to learn.
Thank you
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Welcome post 2017
Welcome to my learning blog for year 5 in 2017. This year I am in Room 25. My teacher is Miss
Fisher. I enjoy doing Maths this year. My goal for this year is getting better at writing. I am looking forward to get a medal. I hope you enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback.
Fisher. I enjoy doing Maths this year. My goal for this year is getting better at writing. I am looking forward to get a medal. I hope you enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback.

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